Easter Blessings
We wish you a blessed Eastertide, filled with grace, joy and peace, and may the compassion of God encompass and embrace your life and fill you with His Easter joy.
All members of the Apostolate of Adoration and Adorers have been enrolled in Knock Shrine and will share in two masses offered each day, for one year, for their intentions.
Please email or use social media to get this page and poster to all your contacts
ADOREMUS Eucharistic & Marian National Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine starts on the evening of Friday 14th and all-day Saturday 15th June.
The Programme on both days covers the interest of all age groups but with special outreach to YOUNG ADULTS with many parallel events organised for them this year. They need to be contacted and invited.
- Starting on Friday evening at 7.30 pm with a special Rosary of and for the unborn
- James Mahon (formerly Y2K) re National Rosary Crusade
- Holy Family Mission for young Adults outreach
- Powerful Testimonies and talk
- Holy Mass celebrated by Most Rev Bishop Phonsie Cullinan
- Adoration guided by Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal
- Benediction
Saturday Morning Starting with Rosary at 10.30 am in St John’s Rest & Care Centre
11.00 am Praise and Worship with Living Water young Adult Prayer Group. Parallel Activities throughout the day: Talks, Testimonies, Guided and private Adoration, Children of the Eucharist Programme with Antoinette Moynihan and the COTE team, Confessions, Teens and young Adult Workshops with Pure in Heart and Holy Family Mission People, Anointing, Holy Mass (celebrated by Most Rev Archbishop Eamon Martin), Eucharistic Procession, Benediction
Share poster and details on Social Media, invite your contacts to Knock and get relatives and friends to do likewise.
When you arrive in Knock come to St John’s Rest & Care Centre to get a detailed programme for location and time of all events
Please do your very best to contact YOUNG ADULT groups and their leaders and encourage them to come along to this unique event even if only for one of the days. We depend on you to spread the word about ADOREMUS and to get buses organised. See you in Knock.