Irish Christmas Cards Pack

By The Apostolate of Eucharistic Adoration

About our Irish Christmas Cards

With the theme of Eucharistic Adoration at its core, our Christmas Cards Pack of 10 are specially designed and printed in Ireland. Made from quality A5 laminated cards, each pack consists of 2 of the 5 card designs below and are accompanied by envelopes for posting.

All proceeds from our Irish Christmas cards go towards the spread of Eucharistic Adoration. Additionally, all card recipients are included in a special Mass held on December 25th for our Apostolate. It is our prayer that all who send or receive our card designs will be truly blessed during this holiest of seasons.

(16 customer reviews)


  • 10 Christmas Cards in 1 pack (2 of each card).
  • Quality A5 Laminated Cards with Envelopes.
  • Specially Designed and Printed in Ireland
  • Proceeds for the Spread of Eucharistic Adoration.
  • Recipients included in Christmas Day Mass.

All proceeds from our Irish Christmas cards pack go towards the spread of Eucharistic Adoration in Ireland and the UK. Our prayer is that all who send or receive these cards will be truly blessed this Christmas. Designed with a theme of adoration, our Christmas postcards contain 2 of each of our 5 new card designs. Recipients are also included in a Christmas day Mass for the Apostolate of Eucharistic Adoration. Wishing everyone a happy and blessed Christmas 2024. Nollaig Shona Duit.

16 reviews for Irish Christmas Cards Pack

  1. Brian Mc Carron (verified owner)

    If you are looking for a beautifully designed religious Christmas card, then look not further. The range of cards from the ‘ Apostolate of the Eucharistic Adoration’ will perfectly meet your wishes. Ordering,price and delivery wonderful.

  2. Martina O’Boyle

    Delighted to receive the high quality, Irish made Christmas cards so promptly. Beautiful designs and prayer content.

  3. Patricia Walshe (verified owner)

    I am very pleased with my cards again this year, great service, thank you Glen and God bless your work.

  4. Teresa (verified owner)

    I got my cards next day! They are so beautiful, each one is detailed and respectful, a greeting in Irish and an inclusion in mass Christmas Day for the recipient, I love them!!

  5. Karen Clancy (verified owner)

    Beautiful cards, high quality. Very fast delivery. A lovely way to promote Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament while also praying for the recipients.

  6. Dónal O Conaire (verified owner)

    A quality pack of 10 Christmas cards, including envelopes – emphasizing the true meaning of Christmas, which is all too often forgotten in this busy world . . . highly recommended !!

  7. Catherine Carroll (verified owner)

    Eucharistic Adoration Christmas cards are really beautiful and deeply reflective that God’s endless Love for us is so great that he came to us as a little Babe and remains with us in The Eucharist. I’ve been getting them for a few years and people ask about the cards and where they can be bought. They are a lovely size and all who receive a card are included in a special Mass. Wonderful way invite all recipients begin a life changing journey of Adoration

  8. Geraldine (verified owner)

    Very pleased with these religious Christmas cards, highly quality, beautiful prayers and designs, very reasonable and very quick delivery!

  9. Breda O’Donovan (verified owner)

    Beautiful Cards. Lovely pictures and content. Love the bit of Gaeilge. One cant go wrong with these cards.

  10. Josephine (verified owner)

    I am really delighted, I received my Christmas card order today. They were delivered very quickly and are absolutely lovely. They are excellent quality and really prayerful sentiments and all who receive the cards are included in mass on Christmas Day which is wonderful. It is also great to know that the proceeds from the card sales go towards spreading Eucharist Adoration. Why not help to support this great cause through buying these beautiful cards.

  11. Anna Carville (verified owner)

    I received these cards within 2 days of ordering them and they are so beautiful. Great quality and each card is unique

  12. John Goodwin (verified owner)

    Absolutely beautiful Christmas cards, it’s difficult to purchase religious Christmas cards when Christmas shopping but these are perfect, easy to order, well priced and delivered promptly, you can’t go wrong. It’s extra special you know your loved ones are included in mass on Christmas Day.

  13. Mary Gore (verified owner)

    Received my cards today ,wow how beautifully illustrated they are . The quality the size and gloss finished are excellent . Each card Is spreading the wonderful news of the Eurcharistic Adoration 🙏🏻

  14. Margaret Brady (verified owner)

    Absolutely beautiful, high quality Christmas cards
    with a beautiful verse and blessings and a Christmas Morning Mass Remberance Ordered the cards on Friday arrived Monday. Excellent value

  15. Mairead

    The packs of cards I received are just beautiful
    The cards are a representation of our Catholic faith
    Just beautiful

  16. Kathleen keenan (verified owner)

    This is my second time to buy these cards. They’re absolutely beautiful laminated cards. and great value for money. What is special is that a mass is said for whoever you give one of these Xmas cards to. Id really recommend them.Thank you so much

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Discover the True Meaning of Christmas

Christmas is a very special time for the Catholic Church, as it celebrates the birth of our saviour, Jesus Christ. Each year, the Apostolate of Eucharistic Adoration distributes their Irish Christmas cards,  helping to remind everyone there is more to the festive season than just unwrapping presents.

For most people, December 25th has become far removed from celebrating the birth of Jesus or anticipating his return. With the theme of adoration at its heart, our Apostolate’s religious Christmas cards help us focus more on what the season is all about – The Divine choosing to become one of us.

The true meaning of Christmas is that Jesus came to live among us as a man. He suffered and died for our sins so we can be with Him in Heaven. Ultimately, His life and death are all great gifts of love for us. Our Catholic Christmas Cards rekindle our faith and remind us that Xmas is not all about us, but about Jesus.

As an Apostolate, we pray that each of our Irish nativity cards becomes a beacon of light, helping each home and family find Jesus Christ. And where can He be found? The Magi answer this as they journey towards Bethlehem (the house of Bread) – “He awaits us in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar”.

Traditional Religious Christmas Cards

The Holy Family Christmas Card

The Holy Family Card

The first of our traditional Irish Christmas cards depicts the holy family, with the child Jesus looking at St Joseph, while being supported by His mother. As the Blessed Virgin and St Joseph, gaze in adoration, the child Jesus raises his right arm, as if he’s giving a blessing. St Joseph, being ever attentive is close by ready to embrace the child.

Without words, and by their presence alone, Mary and Joseph teach us that words are no substitute for the heart. The part of us that no one sees is what’s most important to Jesus. Adoration is first and foremost an attitude of delightful worship, that our love for Christ lies at the core of our lives.

Christmas message inside

Inside the Holy Family card a picture of the consecrated bread and wine (the body and blood of Christ) is depicted above the words, “Come let us adore Him”. And the following bible quote: “Indeed this is the will of my Father, that everyone who looks upon the Son and believes in Him shall have eternal life. Him I will raise up on the last day.” (John 6:40).

“The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered on 25th December for all your needs and intentions”.

Our Lady of the Rosary with Baby Jesus and the Blessed Sacrament

Our Lady of the Rosary Card

Our second traditional design portrays Our Lady of the Rosary with the baby Jesus among the angels and a monstrance with the Blessed Sacrament in the foreground. As the baby Jesus holds aloft a rosay in each hand, we are reminded how the rosary leads one to the divine Trinity of Persons, through the hearts and minds of Jesus Incarnate and Mary immaculate.

In the quote from Isaiah, God tells His worshippers that He will not set like the sun or wane like the moon, rather, he will shed light upon them throughout eternity. In the amazing gift of the Eucharist, in the Blessed Sacrament, that promise is kept, and we have that continuing presence and love of Jesus, still with us today!

Christmas message inside

Inside is a special blessing along with the following Christmas card message from Pope Benedict XVI:

“Let us make haste, like the Shepherds on that night in Bethlehem. God has come to meet us; He has shown us His face, full of grace and mercy. May His coming to us not be in vain. Let us seek Jesus, let us be drawn to His light which dispels sadness and fear from every human heart. Let us draw near to Him with confidence, and bow down in humility to adore Him.” (Urbu et Orbi, Christmas 2008)

“The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered on 25th December for all your needs and intentions”.

Modern Religious Christmas Cards

The Virgin Mary with the Child Jesus and the Eucharist

The Virgin Mary with Baby Jesus

The first of our modern Irish nativity cards shows the Virgin Mary holding the baby Jesus. Behind them, a consecrated host illuminates the night sky. The letters IHS on the host represent the holy name of Jesus in Greek, otherwise known as a Christogram. While the bible quote from Matthew reminds us that Christ is still with us in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.

Established at the Last Supper, the Blessed Sacrament was foreseen by God from the beginning of creation; and from the beginning of Jesus’ earthly life, even when He was in His mother’s arms, He was preparing the way for it. “Behold the Virgin shall be with child and bear a son, and they shall name Him Emmanuel – God is with us.” (Matthew 1:23).

Christmas message inside

Inside our Virgin Mary with Baby Jesus card is a special blessing along with a beautiful reflection, “If you look for me at Christmas”. Above the reflection, Our Lady holds the Blessed Sacrament in adoration, reminding us that the same Jesus that came into our world in Bethlehem, is with us in the Blessed Sacrament, truly and substantially, to this very day.

“The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered on 25th December for all your needs and intentions”.

Contemporary Catholic Nativity Christmas Card

Nativity Scene Card

Our nativity scene Christmas postcard portrays a crib with the baby Jesus in a manger. Above the crib the stars illuminate a monstrance in the night sky with angels close by, Coming into this world, the Son of God was laid in the place where animals feed. Hay became the first bed of the one who would later reveal Himself as “The bread come down from Heaven” (John 6:41).

St Francis of Assisi created the first-ever nativity scene in 1223 to encourage further worship of Christ. Ever since then, it has become a meaningful expression of our Catholic faith. Ultimately, the nativity scene reminds us of the humble beginnings of Jesus, the importance of family, and the miracle of God becoming man.

Christmas message inside

The inside the nativity scene postcard is adorned by our Apostolate’s emblem and two bible quotes: “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while” (Mark 6:31).

“He came to his own country, but his own people did not receive him. Some, however, did receive him and believed in him; so he gave them the right to become God’s children” (John 1 11:12).

These bible quotes stress the importance of having a personal relationship with Jesus, and what better way to do this than spending time with Him in the Blessed Sacrament this holiday season.

“The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered on 25th December for all your needs and intentions”.

3 Wise Men Christmas Postcard

The Magi gaze upon the Star of Bethlehem

The Magi Card

The Magi were wise men who studied the stars and were aware of the Jewish belief in the coming of a Messiah. So God used what they were familiar with to call them to adore Christ – a star. When they observed the new star over Bethlehem, they realized something special was happening. Similarly, in our own lives, God will use what is familiar to us to call us to Himself.

Setting the perfect example for us, they laid their lives down before Him in complete surrender and adoration. Additionally, the three gifts presented to our Lord, showed that they acknowledged this child as the divine King. Gold for a King, frankincense for a God, and myrrh for someone who would die. Thus, their adoration was grounded in the truths of who this child was.

Christmas message inside

Inside the Magi Christmas postcard, a picture of the nativity scene shows the wise men and others adoring their newborn King, with a special Xmas blessing below. While on the opposite side, there’s a promise that the card recipient’s needs and welfare will be brought before Jesus during Eucharistic Adoration over the holiday season.

“The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered on 25th December for all your needs and intentions”.

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